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An Audio Streaming Application written in JavaScript

jsCast - Web

Quick Start

Using CLI

Install jsCast globally:

$ npm i -g jscast

Use the new command to start an instance:

$ jsCast

Using Script

import jsCast from "jscast";
import { log } from "util";

const instance = jsCast().on("clientRejected", (client) => {
  log(`client ${client.ip} rejected`);

const icyServer = instance.pluginManager.getActiveType("IcyServer");
const webClient = instance.pluginManager.getActiveType("WebClient");

  .on("play", (item, metadata) => {
    log(`playing ${metadata.options.StreamTitle}`);
  .on("nothingToPlay", (playlist) => {
    if (!playlist) {
      log("no playlist");
    } else {
      log("playlist is empty");

    port: 8000,
    allow: (client) => {
      return true; // allow this client
  .then(() => {
    log(`jscast is running`);

    if (icyServer) {
        .on("clientConnect", (client) => {
          log(`icy client ${client.ip} connected`);
        .on("clientDisconnect", (client) => {
          log(`icy client ${client.ip} disconnected`);

      log(`listen on http://localhost:${icyServer.port}${icyServer.rootPath}`);

    if (webClient) {
      log(`Web Client on http://localhost:${webClient.port}${webClient.rootPath} your playlists and items`);
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));


first of all install NodeJS, jscast is based on it.

jscast uses fluent-ffmpeg as dependency so ffmpeg needs to be installed on your system.


As dependency:

$ npm install jscast

Play around and contribute to the project:

$ git clone https://github.com/ardean/jsCast
$ cd jsCast
$ npm i
$ npm start

Plugin Types

Web Client

Web Client is a webapp to control jsCast playlists and items. the route is /web by default. At the moment there is just a YouTube type implemented but the idea is to control everything with this webapp. There is also a player (using a audio tag) embedded to play the SHOUTcast output, however for me this worked only with a Desktop-Browser. god knows why…


The IcyServer’s task is to send the SHOUTcast data (received from the Station) to the clients. the route is / by default.


This Plugin outputs the current track to the speakers.


The Station is the core class which controls the Stream with his data and whatever currently is playing.

Item Types

Built-in item types:

more item types

Storage Types

Built-in storage types:

If thats not enough, you can create your own one


Custom Items

jsCast has playlists with typed items. You can easily add your own item type:

import fs from "fs";
import { default as jsCast, Item } from "jscast";
import { log } from "util";

class MyItemType {
  constructor() {
    this.streamNeedsPostProcessing = true; // indicates if stream should be post processed to mp3

  getStream(item, done) {
    // get stream code...
    log(item.type); // MyItem
    done && done(err, stream);

  getMetadata(item, done) {
    // get metadata code...
    log(item.options.myProp); // myValue
    done && done(err, {
      StreamTitle: "my title"

Item.registerType("MyItem", new MyItemType());

  stationOptions: {
    storageType: "Memory",
    playlists: [{
      type: "MyItem",
      options: {
        myProp: "myValue"
    }, {
      type: "YouTube",
      options: {
        url: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhHXAMpnUPM"
    }, {
      type: "Stream",
      options: {
        title: "A cool audio stream!",
        stream: fs.creadReadStream("./sound.mp3")
    }, {
      type: "File",
      options: {
        title: "NICE TRACK!",
        filename: "./myTrack.mp3"
.catch((err) => console.error(err));

Custom Storages

You can use the built-in storage types or create your own one:

import { default as jsCast, Storage } from "jscast";

class MyStorageType {
  constructor() {
    this.isFillable = true; // indicates that this type can be pre filled on init

  activate(options, done) {
    // initialize code...
    done && done(err);

  fill(playlists, done) {
    // fill storage from playlists option in Server and Station class
    done && done(err);

  findAll(done) {
    // findAll code...
    done && done(err, playlists);

  insert(playlist, done) {
    // insert code...
    done && done(err);

  update(playlist, done) {
    // update code...
    done && done(err);

  remove(playlistId, done) {
    // remove code...
    done && done(err);

Storage.registerType("MyStorage", new MyStorageType());

  stationOptions: {
    storageType: "MyStorage"
.catch((err) => console.error(err));

